Skin is an integral part of designing and maintaining your website design. With this management, you can update the entire site’s color scheme.
Theme Colors
With theme colors, you can control primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, dark, light and social icon colors. Also you can build dark theme with inverse colors.
To control the container, you can use this part. You can also set the theme skin to be light or dark.
With the Typography options in the Theme Option panel, you can set fonts( body, heading, paragaph and custom font ) for the website. Porto also provides Google Fonts and custom font by using Font Control in the Theme Option panel.
These options set backgrounds for body, page content and content bottom area.
In soft mode(Full Site Editing), this tab is removed because it’s unnecessary. You can give this styles with builders.
Header tab set the background and color of header – General, Top, Main, Bottom, Sticky.
You can also build the header with header builder. In this case, the panel options don’t work. Porto Version 6.3.0 clear the unavailable options for soft mode(Full Site Editing)
Main Menu
In this tab, you can control the background and typography of main menu – Top Level Menu Item, Popup,Tip and Content. You can also give some options for proper header type.
If you build the menus with Porto Widgets, the theme options might be overrided. So Porto Version 6.3.0 clear the unavailable options for soft mode(Full Site Editing)
You can manage typography, color, space for breadcrumb. Porto provides breadcrumb widget, so that the theme options won’t be worked well for widget. Before setting the these options, you should choose the breadcrumb type in Theme Options/Breadcrumbs.
In Legacy mode, you can build the footer only with theme options. These options manage widgets, columns, ribbon copyright text and etc. Porto offers the footer builder, you can build the footer easily and freely. In this case, the footer skin options don’t work. So the soft mode(Full Site Editing) clear the almost the footer options.
Mobile Menu
Mobile menu is controlled only by the theme options. This skin options manage the text color, hover color and background of toggle and menu.
Language, Currency Switcher
Manage the background color, hover and link color.
Search Form
Manage the skin of Search Form. Porto offers the search form widget for header builder and search form type in the Theme options/Header.
Mini Cart
Manage the skin of mini cart. Porto also offers the mini-cart widget with header builder. If you use this widget, some options be overrided by widget.
Manage the color, background color, hot and label skin for Add to Cart, Wishlist and Quick View.
Form Style
Manage the default style such as font size, color, background color, border color and …..
Sidebar Style
You can control sidebar border width and padding.