Elementor Builder wont load!

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    Barry Hynd

        I’m using your Porto theme (Business 3). Constant issue with the Elementor builder not loading.

        I switched the theme to basic Elementor and the builder works so I think it must be something to do with the Porto theme. I’m not an expert on WordPress but I’m struggling to see any other issues.

        Have checked with my hosting company for various setting and PHP versions and upload limits etc and they all check out fine.

        Could I get some help please?

        Aizaz Awan

            Hello, @barryhynd,

            Could you please share your site WP Admin URL and Credentials under the private content area of this topic, so that we can have a look into it for you on your site and help you out.

            Best Regards,
            PThemes Team.

            Barry Hynd

                Provided in Private Area

                This field is Private Content.

                Aizaz Awan

                    Hello, @barryhynd,

                    Could you please provide your site Cpanel URL and Credentials as well, so that I will check the settings and help you out.

                    I tried to increase the PHP max execution time using the command: https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/developer-corner/php/using-php-directives-in-custom-htaccess-files/setting-the-php-maximum-execution-time-in-an-htaccess-file/ in htaccess file and it did not worked.

                    Please share the details asap of the Cpanel, so I will fix it for you.

                    Best Regards,
                    PThemes Team.

                    Barry Hynd

                        Hi There,

                        I’m a bit worried as the site is now showing an error 500 and I can access the site at all even via wp-login.

                        I have added my hosting details below in the hope you can fix.


                        This field is Private Content.

                        Aizaz Awan

                            Hello, @barryhynd,

                            Apologies for the inconvenience. Your site is now back online, and the Elementor editor is working perfectly. I have updated your site’s PHP version from 7.4 to 8.2. You can view the screenshot here: https://postimg.cc/fVM4sDZX

                            Best Regards,
                            PThemes Team.

                            Barry Hynd

                                Hi Aizaz,

                                Many thanks for your help but I’m afraid it’s still not working 🥲

                                There are two pages called Services & Engagement that I still can’t edit. They lock up, tell me I can’t edit and ask me to put things into Safe Mode.


                                Aizaz Awan

                                    Hello, @barryhynd,

                                    You can edit the Engagement archive page using Elementor from here: https://barryhynd.co.uk/wp-admin/post.php?post=3932&action=elementor

                                    You can edit the Services archive page using Elementor from here: https://barryhynd.co.uk/wp-admin/post.php?post=3889&action=elementor

                                    Best Regards,
                                    PThemes Team.

                                    Barry Hynd

                                        Hi Aizaz,

                                        Thanks for providing those links. They do work but I don’t know why!

                                        What is it I am doing wrong and why won’t they load as a normal WordPress page?



                                        Aizaz Awan

                                            Hello, @barryhynd,

                                            Let me try to explain it to you again.

                                            Services: Porto has a built-in Post Type named “Event” and in this demo, we have changed its name to “Service” as shown in this screenshot: https://postimg.cc/svXbZrc5

                                            So basically that services page is the archive page: https://barryhynd.co.uk/services/ and it shows all the services on it that you create under the services post type: https://postimg.cc/fJrpcr2p

                                            Now if you are logged in to the site and hover over the content on the services page you will find a popup to edit with named: “service archive” which indicates that the layout applied on that section is custom-built under Porto >> Template Builder >> Archive: https://postimg.cc/TKn0K7Zr you can simply click on that popup tooltip and it will take you to the Elementor editor of that section, https://postimg.cc/8sqLLddw https://barryhynd.co.uk/wp-admin/post.php?post=3889&action=elementor and now if you check it closely, you can see the “Archive Posts Grid” element has been used for the content, so you can edit it and modify as per your requirements.

                                            And also you can see we have used the custom style to show the services as well: https://postimg.cc/G9sy380D so you can edit it and modify it from Porto >> Template builder >> Post Type >> service: https://postimg.cc/HVD7rYHh https://barryhynd.co.uk/wp-admin/post.php?post=3358&action=edit (Only editable with default WP Editor)

                                            This is how it works.

                                            Engagement: Same as for Services, That is pre-built Post Type “Portfolio”, we have used the Custom page “Engagement” and set is as an archive page for Portfolio: https://postimg.cc/XG5YW5Z7

                                            Further please follow the same steps and procedure that I explained above for services and it will work for you.

                                            If you have any further concern, please feel free to write back to us.
                                            We are always here to help you.

                                            Best Regards,
                                            PThemes Team.

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